Core Engineering Labs
At EdNex, we combine experience with forward-thinking – we help set up advanced technology solutions for all the labs mentioned below and render end-to-end services throughout the lifetime of the installation.
- Aviation and Aerospace
- Control and Instrumentation Lab
- Advanced dynamics and control lab
- Control and avionics instrumentation lab
- Aircraft design and instrumentation lab
- Propulsion and aerodynamic computational lab
- Flight dynamics and control research lab
- Architecture Engineering
- Architectural Engineering HVAC System Labs
- Computer-Aided Architectural Design
- Fluid mechanics
- Survey lab
- Geological and material science lab
- Chemical engineering
- Unit operation Lab
- Process control lab
- Heat transfer lab
- Fluid mechanics lab
- Environment and water treatment ab
- Corrosion lab
- Chemical reaction engg lab
- Computer science
- CSE programming lab
- Internet and mobile computing lab
- Microcontroller and VLSI lab
- Electricity and Electronics lab
- Computer network lab
- Digital system lab
- Embedded and industrial system engg lab
- Renewable energy lab
- Electrical Engineering
- Electric circuits and electronics lab
- Electrical machine and power electronics lab
- Power system lab
- Measurement and instrumentation lab
- Industrial control lab
- Communication and signal processing lab
- Control system lab
- Renewable energy lab
- Autonomous and navigation lab
- Mechanical Engineering
- Material science lab
- Heat transfer lab
- Fluid mechanic and hydraulic engg. lab
- Refrigeration and air conditioning lab
- Engineering Manufacturing lab
- Aerospace lab
- Measurement and instrument lab
- Dynamic and control system lab
- nondestructive evaluation lab
- mechatronics lab
- HVAC lab
- Mechatronics and Industrial engineering
- Industrial control lab
- Computer Integration and Manufacturing Systems
- Manufacturing Technologies Laboratory
- Database Management and Industrial Information Systems Laboratory
- CAD\ CAM Laboratory
- Logistics and supply chain management lab
- Civil engineering
- Survey lab
- Structural Engineering and Materials Lab
- Geotechnical eng lab
- Environmental engg lab
- Fluid mechanics and hydraulic lab
- Asphalt and highway lab
- Fluid mechanic and hydraulic engg. Lab
- Logistics and supply chain management lab
- Digital skills, coding and robotic
- CSE programming lab
- Introduction to Coding of AI
- Industrial collaborative Robotic
- Unmanned vehicle
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Smart forming
- Warehouse AI
- Industry 4.0